JOSH ROUSEJune 8, 2006 | Author: Steven Hocking There’s something about Spain that stirs the imagination with dreams of eternal summer, languid siestas and free romance.
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JOSH ROUSEJune 8, 2006 | Author: Steven Hocking There’s something about Spain that stirs the imagination with dreams of eternal summer, languid siestas and free romance.
THE DOOBIES BROTHERS IN AUSTRALIA March 15, 2006 | Author: Greg Phillips At a time when the breezy west coast sounds of bands like America, Seals and
THE BAMBOOS March 15, 2006 | Author: Greg Phillips Listeners of national radio broadcaster Triple J may have heard the Bamboos track “Tighten Up” off their soon
NUNO BETTENCOURT IN AUSTRALIA January 25, 2006 | Author: Greg Phillips A new signature series Washburn guitar range, a band with a new name and a new
RICK WAKEMAN-SOUNDCHECKIN’ SOLO January 10, 2006 | Author: Greg Phillips. Photos: Marty Williams Master keyboard player Rick Wakeman is truly a rock music pioneer. His piano
MISSY HIGGINS – MELBOURNE’S MISSY December 8, 2005 | Author: Greg Phillips. Pics Marty Williams Standing front of stage, hands raised and interlocked with her band members
ORIANTHI – PRS Queen November 21, 2005 | Author: Greg Phillips For a start Orianthi is an official Paul Reed Smith guitar endorsee and in 2004 was
JEFF BECK – CLASSIC 70’S INTERVIEW November 21, 2005 | Author: Steven Rosen Jimmy Page once remarked about him that he “Plays guitar like he drives
PETER FRAMPTON August 18, 2005 | Author: Joe Matera Peter Frampton needs no introduction. First coming to prominence in the late ‘60s as part of The Herd,
JOE SATRIANI AT SOUNDCHECK August 18, 2005 | Author: Joe Matera. Pics by Marty Williams SOUNDCHECKIN’ WITH SATCH It’s late afternoon and I’m sitting in the
LADIES SING THE BLUES – Part 3 Marie Gabrielle August 18, 2005 | Author: Greg Phillips Australian Musician spotlights three emerging female singer songwriters with their feet
LADIES SING THE BLUES – Part 2 Anne McCue August 18, 2005 | Author: Baz Bardoe LADIES SING THE BLUES Australian Musician spotlights three emerging female singer
LADIES SING THE BLUES. Part 1 Mia Dyson August 18, 2005 | Author: Greg Phillips LADIES SING THE BLUES Australian Musician spotlights three emerging female singer songwriters
JETHRO TULL’S MARTIN BARRE August 18, 2005 | Author: Greg Phillips “Number 25 of all time is my claim to fame!” offers Jethro Tull guitarist Martin
Music fans raised on today’s radio-friendly three and a half minute pop songs might find it difficult to comprehend the ten and twenty minute music opuses
June 2003, By Greg Phillips Melbourne has been chosen to host the Australian premiere of “WE WILL ROCK YOU” the futuristic rock musical based on the music of British supergroup Queen and featuring 24 of their biggest hits. The musical is a huge success in London’s West End with bookings taken through until early 2004. “We Will Rock You” was written by Ben Elton, whose penmanship was responsible for legendary TV shows like ‘Black Adder’ and ‘The Young Ones’. “We Will Rock You” debuts at Melbourne’s Regent Theatre on August 7 this year. Elton, along with Queen guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor were recently in town to audition potential cast members. Australian Musician’s Greg Phillips managed to grab ten minutes with Brian May to talk about the show and that distinctive Queen sound. GP: Your guitar sound is very distinctive and plays a huge part in the sound of Queen, so how much attention is paid to the sound of the band in the stage show? BM: The band is the driving force in the show so a lot of time was spent with it. We were determined that the band would not sound like your regular pit band in a musical , so they are a real rock band. They play some of my licks but they don’t have to be me. GP: I noticed in the promotional footage of the London show that one of your replica
June 2003. By Greg Phillips There’s something almost romantic (in a rock n’roll kind of way) about entering the Rolling Stones lair. It’s a place where
Those fortunate enough to have witnessed any of David Byrne’s shows on his recent Australian tour would have been blown away by the percussive onslaught provided
June 2002. By Joe Matera For sheer breathtaking facility on a guitar, Steve Vai is unmatched in the music world. But the things that fascinate and
JUNE 2002. By Joe Matera. When SILVERCHAIR unveiled their latest studio effort, entitled “Diorama” in April, it sold more than 50,000 copies in its first week
June 2002. By Joe Matera Gene Simmons – Kiss’ fire-breathing bass player and founding member – recently released “Kiss And Make-Up”, his first autobiography. The book
ANDY FAIRWEATHER LOW – ROGER WATERS BAND SOUNDCHECK JUNE 2002 By Greg Phillips Roger Waters seems oblivious to the fact that he’s only an hour away