Vic Simms_Luke Promo_IMG_18Aboriginal music pioneer Vic Simms recorded The Loner in 1973 while serving time in Bathurst Gaol. This album of country soul, regarded by many as a lost classic, has inspired countless artists. In 2011, Luke Peacock happened upon The Loner. The impact that these songs had on Luke led him on a musical, spiritual and historical journey as he formed a unique and powerful friendship with Vic Simms, a Bidjigal elder and undoubted Australian rock’n’roll treasure. In early 2013, Luke created The Painted Ladies. He took his favourite songs from Vic’s album, re-invented them and spent a week in the studio giving them another life. AM profiles Luke Peacock

What was your first guitar?
A Chinese Squier Stratocaster Sunburst.

What’s your main guitar now?
Right now, a Fender Jazzmaster ’62 re-issue with the usual mods – SD Antiquity pickups, a Tune-O-Matic bridge and a ton of shielding. My acoustic guitar is a ’71 Gibson Blueridge with plenty of repairs.

Through what amp and why?
A Fender Hot-Rod Deluxe…It was my first real amp so it’s all I really know.

Which pedals are your standards?
I’ve been using a Phaser a lot lately. Probably too much. Apart from that, mainly a Boss TR-2 Tremelo, an Ibanez TS808 Tube Screamer, a Way Huge Aqua Puss analogue delay and a Holy Grail.

What’s your latest recording and when will you be back in the studio?
‘The Painted Ladies Play Selections From The Loner’ is the latest. I play keys with Halfway also and we released our 4th album ‘Any Old Love’ earlier this year. I’m hoping to have a solo record done by the years end.

What gigs have you been playing lately?
I just had an operation, so not many! I played the Powerhouse Live Spark show recently though. That’s always nice.

Most memorable gig?
My first gig with Halfway was at the Big Day Out. That’s pretty memorable.

Worst stage nightmare?
There’s been plenty, especially with my first band. We were all idiots, but our drummer not showing up to our biggest gig at that point would be the winner. We got a drummer we’d never met from the band before us to cover. That was about 8 years ago now. I still haven’t seen him.

Album that changed your life?
‘The Loner’ by Vic Simms would be the obvious one.

What gigs are coming up in the next few months?
The Painted Ladies will be doing a live thing over 2 nights as part of the Brisbane Festival in September. It should make it to a few other capital cities over the next year or so. And Halfway’s touring to support our new single ‘Dulcify’ through June.

A guitar tip for the kids?
Play live as much as you can. Wherever you can. Don’t wait for a gig. Make your own. Hire a cheap PA off Gumtree. Hold some shows at your house or your friend’s house. Even if you’re unprepared. If you have a show to play, you’ll be ready. And don’t smoke too much weed. Save your money and buy records.

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