c-6-deluxe-mblue-laying-tilt-highres7Schecter Guitar Research has been one of the world’s premier guitar companies for the last 35 years, offering electric guitars and basses, acoustic guitars, and USA Custom Shop instruments to musicians around the world in more than 150 countries. One of the company’s strongest assets is its growing roster of high-profile artists, including Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, The Cure, Papa Roach, Seether, Prince, Stone Temple Pilots, Nevermore and Black Label Society.

Schecter continue to impress with new guitar models and they are now accessible to guitarists of all levels with their Diamond Series Deluxe models such as the C-6 Deluxe. The C-6 Deluxe is the first ‘entry level’ guitar to bear the Schecter Diamond Series name. A guitar that not only looks cool, borrowing the new sleek contours from the A-6, but also combines professional quality, playability and tone to excite and inspire.

Check out this Schecter C-6 Deluxe demo

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