St.Kilda raised singer, songwriter, vocal-looper Tanya George has just released her new single ‘Can’t Do Anything Right’ and chats with Australian Musician editor Greg Phillips about the track, busking, her career and her looping gear.

The vocal-looper responsible for 2020 Covid anthem ‘Normality’, which charted at number 1 on multiple Triple J Unearthed Charts, is back with her most poptastic tune yet.‘Can’t Do Anything Right’ explores the socially systemic hypocrisy of behind expectations and the clear double standards between females and their male counterparts.

“‘Can’t Do Anything Right’ is about the frustrations of not being able to live up to anyone’s expectations. The literal feeling of not being able to do a thing right, especially as a woman,” explains George. “The song gives in to the feeling and accepts it as opposed to trying to please everyone.”

As per her signature style, George built ‘Can’t Do Anything Right’ through using only her unique vocal-looping technique on her Boss RC 505 loop station, enlisting the help of Michael Cooper for engineering and mixing, and long-time collaborator, Nicholas Di Lorenzo (Panorama Mastering), for mastering. ‘Can’t Do Anything Right’ follows on from Melbourne Music Week and Metro Tunnel Project ‘Home Made Sound’ initiative commissioned single ‘Welcome’ which was released in January, and her sophomore EP Normality which saw the musician gain global recognition.


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