The Wolfe Brothers, one of Australia’s most rockin’ country bands release their 2nd album ‘Nothin’ But Trouble’ on September 5th. Guitarist Brodie Rainbird takes a few minutes for Australian Musician to answer some questions about his gear and updates us on The Wolfe Brothers’ latest news.
What was your first guitar?
An old 3/4 nylon string acoustic that we had lying around the house.
What’s your main guitar now?
Fender Telecaster
Through what amp and why?
Homemade 59 Bassman clone, and a 15watt Matchless clone. Because I enjoy putting them together and they sound great!
Which pedals are your standards?
1981 Boss SD1, Polytune, Full Tone Full Drive 2
What’s your latest recording and when will you be back in the studio?
The Wolfe Brothers “Nothin’ But Trouble”. We will be back in the studio when we do the third album. [Nothin’ But Trouble due for release September 5]
What gigs have you been playing lately?
Lots of Wolfe Brothers gigs around Tasmania, “Sail For Gold” at the Grenada Tavern. The Butter Factory in Burnie. East Ulverstone FC.
Most memorable gig?
CMC Rocks north Queensland, so many people!!
Worst stage nightmare?
Amp failure right at the count in on the first song of the show… it actually happens a lot!
What gigs are coming up in the next few months?
Gympie Muster, NSW run with Lee Kernaghan
A guitar tip for the kids?
Learn to play the music you love! You will be more engaged and get more out of it.