“I’ve been told that I deliver a very honest performance,” says gifted singer songwriter Lauren Glezer. “I’ve never been into the whole stage persona – what you see is what you get … minus shoes. I can’t wear shoes when I sing. I’m not sure why, but I just can’t!” The shoeless thing is about feeling comfortable and immersing herself in her songs. It results in the heartfelt performances of her music for which she is known. Glezer is about to release a new single ‘This Living’ on September 12. Lauren sat down for a quick Q&A with Australian Musician to tell us more about herself.
What was your first gig?
I was 10 years old. It was my grandfather’s 80th birthday. I rocked out Barbra Streisand’s “memories”. The band was amazing and crowd went off! Things have never been the same since then.
What microphone do you use on stage generally?
A Sennheiser. I got it for my 21st birthday from all of all my gals. They engraved the words “Always your audience,” and that they are. I really love this mic. I feel like it highlights all the right tones in my voice.
Is it the same for recording?
When I was recording my latest EP, Searching For Tall, I took a back seat and let the tech dudes do their thing. I’m not sure what the mic was called, but it was big, silver and shiney! I love things that sparkle.
What’s your latest recording and when will you be back in the studio?
My Latest recording is my debut EP, Searching For Tall. I plan to be back in the studio late this year/early next year. I think an album will be next. Yup, an album sounds good to me!
What gigs have you been playing lately?
In the past year or so I have really tried to play homely gigs. Gigs in people’s lounge rooms, warehouses and cute and cosy little venues that bring in an audience that really want to listen to live music.
Most memorable gig?
Hhhmmmm… great question. Probably the first time I played at the Wesley Anne…maybe eight years ago now. This venue used to be an old church and you can feel it! I got up and told the audience I felt like a princess, and I did. This is the reason I’ve chosen to launch my EP at the Wesley Anne in a few weeks
Worst stage nightmare?
I had this very pushy singing teacher once. He held a concert every few months and insisted that all students perform, even if they weren’t prepared. So I got up and sang my latest, barely rehearsed show tune to a full room of people and completely blanked! Nothing came to me at all. He must have played that intro 50 times before I ran off the stage crying! Nothing a little therapy couldn’t fix.
Album that changed your life?
Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever ago. No words, just tears. Now that’s the real deal right there.
What gigs are coming up in the next few months?
I am going to Canberra soon to play a lovely gig called “Acoustic Soup”. It’s held at the Co Op and it’s pretty much a group of people sitting around, eating soup and listening to music. My ideal gig! My EP launch will be on Sept 20 at the Wesley Anne. Make sure you get down to that one. There will be fairy lights. Lots of gigs following this. Check out my website for more info!
A vocal tip for the kids.
Find an amazing singer teacher that you connect with. They may know the most amazing techniques, but if they don’t get you, it won’t help! Also, practice your songs in a nasal American accent. Your housemates, family, neighbours and pets will hate you … but your vocal chords will love you forever!