Based in Melbourne Australia, MESS is a unique not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the creation of electronic sound and music founded by Robin Fox and Byron J Scullin. The heart of MESS is the Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio, a fully functioning sound production workshop representing one of the most unique, eclectic and historically significant collections of electronic instruments in the world. Working from within the studio is the MESS School, a place for people to engage with the history, technique and artistry of electronic sound and music creation presented in a format that is flexible, affordable and artist driven. Work created at the studio and school is supported by MESS Show to promote unique performance events and recording releases reflecting the diversity of sound created at MESS alongside historical releases from the vault of Australian electronic music. Finally MESS Schematic not only maintains the instruments in the MESS Studio collection, it also offers a space for the development of new instrument ideas focussing on design, engineering and construction.
Included in your price of admission to the Melbourne Synth Festival, attendees will be able to check out the amazing electronic music gear and facilities at the Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio, based at the Festival venue in North Melbourne.
Australian Musician’s Greg Phillips spoke to MESS co-founder Byron J Scullin about MESS and its role in the inaugural Melbourne Synth Festival
Check out some of the amazing vintage synths and state of the art gear below, which you can see at MESS