Legendary Australian rockers The Angels are celebrating their 40th year with a new album Talk The Talk and have just finished up their anniversary tour. With the recent passing of original lead singer Doc Neeson, it’s even more important that The Angels legacy continues to rock our souls. The Angels’ guitarist Rick Brewster catches up with Australian Musician for a quick Q&A.
What was your first guitar?
Epiphone Sheraton
What’s your main guitar now?
PRS 408
Through what amp and why?
Hughes & Kettner 36 watt head through a single 25 ohm Celestion in a closed back cabinet. Sounds great and the amp can be hand carried on a plane.
Which pedals are your standards?
Digitech RP255, MXR Micro Chorus
What’s your latest recording and when will you be back in the studio?
Talk The Talk. Probably back in studio 2015. [Plus Volume 1 – 40 Greatest Studio Hits & Volume 2 – 40 Greatest Live Hits]
What gigs have you been playing lately?
Red Hot Summer tour with Suzi Quatro; Talk The Talk album tour; V8 Supercars After Party Darwin; 40th Anniversary Tour.
Most memorable gig?
Cloudlands Ballroom Brisbane early 80’s.
Worst stage nightmare?
Broken string with no spare guitar.
What gigs are coming up in the next few months?
NSW; VIC; SA; WA – mostly clubs and pubs
A guitar tip for the kids?
Keep it simple and lock into the feel!
Catch The Angels on selected dates of the Red Hot Summer tour featuring Hoodoo Gurus, James Reyne, Diesel, Daryl Braithwaite and Boom Crash Opera