One of Australia’s most vibrant pop newcomers, TAMMA, has released a glistening new single Beat You Down. After a rough few years of loss and devastation for TAMMA, real name Tammy Martin, and her family, Beat You Down feels like a true triumph over hardship. TAMMA has also announced a happy-go-lucky video to accompany Beat You Down, directed by Damien Blue (Slow Pulp) and filmed at the iconic Venice Beach in Los Angeles, California. TAMMA also took the time to tackle a musician Q&A for us.
What was your first keyboard?
A mate gave me an old Yamaha keyboard that was almost bigger than me, it was a brute of a thing to lift so it just chilled in the corner of my room on a big wooden stand. It served its purpose which was for me to learn how to play it.
What do you use on stage generally?
I have a Korg Kross workstation that I use, it has a sick handle on it so I can carry it around like a briefcase.
Is it the same for recording?
No I generally use a range of midi keyboards and a real piano for recording.
What is your latest recoding and when will you be back in the studio?
I have just recorded two of my singles that are raw strip back piano versions, one is my single ‘Beat You Down’ and the other is my single that I will be releasing called Boys Of New York. I am also working with another producer on my second single that will come out in the new year and will be working on that again next week.
Most memorable gig?
Probably my fave venue I’ve played is The Corner Hotel, most memorable gig would have to be Open Studio. It was a cold winters afternoon and the little place was jam packed with people drinking red wine. The whole room was in silence as I played my solo set, there were people wiping away tears as I told the story behind Beat You Down, it was very moving.
Worst stage nightmare?
Lol probably when something stops working and there is no sound coming out or you completely forget how to play your own song!
Album that changed your life?
The War on Drugs ‘Lost in the Dream’ album was a life saver for me when I was going through a break up in 2013. It used to motivate me in the mornings to get up and get on with life. I used to pack up my car and hit the coast by myself and listen to the song Disappearing on the open road, I felt so free!
What are the gigs coming up in the next few months?
I will be playing at The Wesley Ann at 9:15pm on the 1st November.
A keyboard tip for the kids?
Note down the things you’re looking for in a keyboard, I like something that’s easy and light to transport to live gigs. Shop around and try a few out. Ask any other keys players what they recommend too.