At Musikmesse 2015, Gibson Guitars displayed the most extravagant guitar they’ve ever built, the Eden of Coronet. Officially deemed by the Guinness Book of Records to be the world’s most expensive guitar, the jewell adorned instrument is valued at two million dollars.
The Eden of Coronet features 400 carat diamonds and about 1.6 kilograms of 18k gold. To create the Eden of Coronet, Gibson teamed with jewelry designer Aaron Shum and musician and designer Mark Lui.
Lui says he chose the SG for this unique project, noting that “before the collaboration, the SG model was perceived as a very masculine guitar, but when you look at it from a different angle, it actually has a very feminine structure and curves which allowed me to open up my creativity and explore a new arena in the design space of the guitar.”
Henry Juszkiewicz, chairman and CEO of Gibson Brands, points to the Eden of Coronet as a symbol of Gibson’s outreach beyond traditional guitar building. “The masterpiece is a joint effort of three distinct brands,” he says. “The creativity comes from the process of blending ideas and cultures from different industries, which further solidifies Gibson beyond just a guitar brand. All along we’ve been striving to expand our business to different sectors of the consumer market and ‘Eden of Coronet’ is definitely an important milestone for what we target to achieve.”
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