November 24, 2009 | Reviewer: Powderfinger’s Ian Haug
I love a good simple amp! One that I plug in and it sounds great straight away is the one I want. There is no complicated EQ set up. Just tone … and it really does cover a wide band. The gain and volume relationship is fantastic on this. It sounds chimey on the cleaner setting and ridiculously overdriven (and tight) on full gain.
This amp is going to be great to record with. I have used the head version recording before, and it’s fantastic, but the convenience of a great sounding little box is good on this.
It’s light, and very affordable, and I would recommend it to any young band as a rehearsal amp as I do think you will cut above that noisy drummer when you are in your garage. It also sounds really good at lower volumes so it won’t annoy the people that you live with. You will probably find other ways to annoy everyone!
Like when you sit this thing on top of a quad box. It drives it very very well. It does confuse me every time I go to move it because the carry strap is on the side for some reason. But that’s just me. You’ll work it out.