There’s an affliction which affects musicians of all levels, all over the world … an almost uncontrollable urge to acquire more music making gear. It’s affectionately known as GAS or to put it more politely Gear Acquisition Syndrome! Whether it’s a brand new or second hand Fender Strat or Gibson Les Paul, perhaps a Roland or Yamaha piano or synth, a DW or Pearl drum kit or maybe a more classically inclined performer or student wanting a new clarinet, trumpet or flute, it can happen to us all. You find yourself peering in music store windows, surfing the internet globally and constantly keeping your eyes open for bargains on local social media marketplaces, eternally on the lookout for that dream instrument.
But … what if after all that research, you finally make that purchase and then discover it really wasn’t the right fit for you musically? After time, what if you found that the synth or amp or pedal you bought had been superseded with something more suitable to current music trends … or you’ve changed your own musical direction? Or maybe you found exactly what you were looking for, but you could only muster a fraction of the cost towards buying it? Are you a parent wanting to encourage your kid’s musical dreams but are unsure if they’ll stick at it for the long haul?
There is a handy solution to all of the above queries, one which you may not know about or have never really considered. You can actually TRY your potential dream instrument without the burden of the expensive purchase cost. Were you aware that you can RENT music gear? It’s true! You can rent quality brand new or second hand music gear for an agreed minimum rental period at an affordable cost, which could resolve all of the issues we’ve spoken about previously.
The fact is that through Musicorp ( ) you can rent brand new and preloved instruments, pro audio equipment and tech for all musical genres, production and enjoyment at cost effective low monthly rental payments. Not only that, you’ll have the flexibility to return the product subject to your minimum rental agreement. In fact, the rental agreement means that you can stay up to date with all of the latest gear by occasionally upgrading to newer models. Applying for a rental instrument isn’t rocket science either, it involves a simple application process.
Also through Studio 19 ( you can enjoy similar rental program benefits as above but on brand new products through in-store experiences at dealers via their extensive network and through their websites. Studio 19 makes this service available through over 250 music stores across Australia and their websites. That way you can make sure the equipment is right for you and you can return the gear at any time after 6 months. With Studio19 Rentals you can always get the benefit of the latest technological advancements and features by just upgrading. That way you can ensure you will have the best and most up to date equipment at your fingertips at all times. In many cases you may even be able to claim your rental payments as a tax deduction!
If you’re worried about the rental gear being damaged at a gig or through travel, there’s also an affordable optional protection plan available. Plus both Musicorp and Studio 19 deal with some of the biggest musical instrument brands in the world including Roland, Yamaha, Fender, Sony, Gibson, Ibanez, Behringer, Pioneer, Alesis, Shure and many more, so chances are they have what you need.
Studio 19 exists for the players, the creators, the musicians. So your gear can evolve with your skills. Music rentals help connect you to the things you love and help you follow your passion. LEARN MORE