ponyjefflangKudos must go to the local, pro-active musical instrument store/recording and rehearsal facility, Pony Music, which is based in Hallam, Victoria. Pony Music  is not only supplying music gear to Australia’s gigging musicians … it’s also supplying the gigs via some wonderful video performances. In conjunction with Channel 31’s Guitar Gods and Masterpieces TV Show, Pony is presenting the Guitar Gods LIVE @ Pony Music sessions. The idea behind these sessions is to promote our awesome local talent with a “live in the studio” vibe. As well as appearing online through Pony Music’s website, Facebook and YouTube channels, these video performances appear on the “Guitar Gods and Masterpieces” TV show each week which are shown Australia wide on public TV. Already, Pony has presented some electrifying artists such as Lloyd Spiegel, Jeff Lang, Defryme, Toehider, Mike Elrington, Massive and many others.

Check it now now.
Guitar Gods and Masterpieces

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