BITWIG’S Dave Linnenbank shows us the new Modular GRID at Winter NAMM 2019.
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Modularity has been at the core of Bitwig Studio from the beginning. Devices can be nested, clips are containers, modulators exist everywhere, and practically anything can be dragged anywhere. But with Bitwig Studio 3, they are zooming out so you can push in.
The Grid is an open modular environment that powers a family of new devices in Bitwig Studio 3: Mono Grid, Poly Grid and FX Grid. With a vast library of modules and a supersonic workflow, you’ll be creating your own unique sounds immediately, and in high-fidelity. Simply add a Grid device to your project and start patching. It’s fun.
The Grid includes:
• Fully-modular sound design
• Fantastic sound quality
• 120+ modules
• Any signal, anywhere
• Lighting-fast workflow
• 4x-oversampled, stereo signal path
Construct a polyphonic synthesizer from scratch in one session. Create an adaptive audio effect with your signature sound. Experiment with generative drones until you find a new way to perform. Or simply create the undefinable. Patching is effortless, giving full rein to your creativity.