Rick’ The Bass Player’ Rosas has died. Since 1987, Rick had been a much respected and loved part of the Neil Young band and recently filled in for Crazy Horse bassist Billy Talbot who suffered a stroke. Rosas also played with Pegi Young, Jerry Lee Lewis, Joe Walsh, Ron Wood, Etta James and was a part of the Buffalo Springfield reunion. The cause of Rick’s death at this stage is unknown.
Rosas began working with Neil Young on the This Note’s For You album, after coming to Neil’s attention at a Farm Aid gig in ’87 with Joe Walsh. Rick’s wonderful, warm bass tones were a feature of Neil’s Prairie Wind album. Rick’s signature bass lines however, will forever be remembered on the Neil Young anthem ‘Rockin’ In The Free World.

One of Rick’s favourite gigs was the Monday night stint at The Joint in LA with Waddy Wachtel’s band, a jam night where you’d never know who would show up on stage. Appearing at The Joint with Waddy and Rick at various times were Keith Richards, Robert Plant, Eric Burdon, Joe Walsh, Jackson Browne, Roger Daltrey, Neil Young, and Adam Sadler to name a few.
Rick’s closest friends are beginning to release statements. Pegi Young, wife of Neil was devastated. Rick was an an important part of Pegi’s own band.
“On Thursday, November 6th, I lost one of the dearest friends I had …. His loss is a terrible shock to our band of Survivors, along with his many other dear friends and loved ones. So respected in the music community, he was truly an amazing bass player. I was incredibly lucky and honored to have him in my band and to count him among my friends.”
Waddy Wachtel, who Rick played with regularly at The Joint in LA, also released the following;
“Here at home, our hearts have been ambushed and forever will bear the scar of knowing that our dear dear friend Rick has been taken away from us forever… To say “they broke the mold when they made this guy” is such an understatement in this case.. doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. He was the greatest friend, funniest wiseguy, and such a seriously devoted and dedicated musician always. Another gigantic understatement is “Rick, we’ll miss you.” I look forward to all of us having a night of rock and roll and great memories being shared in his honor and remembrance. A night he would have wanted. You’ll all know when that night is coming. R I P Rick Rosas.”
Rick was also a friend to Australian Musician. In 2009, he kindly allowed us access to Neil Young’s soundcheck and backstage action. In 2010, Rick reported on the Buffalo Springfield reunion for us and supplied some great pics, some taken by Stephen Stills’ daughter Eleanor.
RIP Rick, you’ll be sadly missed but your bass licks live on.
Here’s a 2009 interview Rick did with Australian Musician and our Buffalo Springfield reunion report