Happy 100th birthday to the Theremin
It’s the Theremin’s 100 anniversary and there’s a cool new compilation and series of celebratory events in honour of one of the most forward-thinking instruments of the 20th century.
Curated by master Thereminist Dorit Chrysler, a celebratory album has been released titled ’Theremin 100’, which consists of 51 new songs by 50 artists from 18 countries selected based on their diversity. This historical collection is the first of its kind. You’ll find music suitable for every mood from every genre including Australian goth pop, Peruvian girl rock band, Icelandic experimental, Japanese theremin orchestra breaking Guinness book records, pop, classical and so much more. The album includes contributions from Australia’s own king of the Theremin, Miles Brown of The Night Terrors.
Also organized by Chrysler and the New York Theremin Society, the NY Theremin Orchestra will perform original compositions, with selected pieces from electronic pioneers Brian Eno and Kraftwerk at Brooklyn’s Ambient Church on February 8th in celebration of the instrument’s 100th anniversary.
Dorit Chrysler will present the US premiere of new work composed by electronic music pioneer Laurie Spiegel written for theremin and piano exclusively for Dorit’s performance titled “A Paraphrase”. The composition was inspired by the first ever female electronic musician Clara Rockmore (Who is widely regarded as the greatest Theremin player to have ever lived) and her professional relationship with Léon Theremin. Lana Anikin Suran will accompany on piano. Additionally Dorit will perform her original score written for the restoration of Fritz Lang’s “M”.

Modern day Theremin from Moog Music
The original Theremin was the product of Soviet government-sponsored research into proximity sensors. The instrument was invented by a young Russian physicist named Lev Sergeyevich Termen (known in the West as Léon Theremin) in October 1920 after the outbreak of the Russian Civil War.
The Theramin is still alive and well and part of the 2020 music scene thanks to new products such as the Thermani, produced by Moog Music and distributed in Australia by Innovative Music Australia. The Theremini® is a re-imagination of one of the oldest electronic musical instruments, and Bob Moog’s first love – the Theremin. Its design guarantees musical success to anyone regardless of age or physical ability.
You can check out the Theramini at Mannys/Store DJ stores around Australia and Better Music in the ACT.
Miles Brown, our own keeper of the Theremin flame
Featured on the Theremin 100 album, Miles Brown is an Australian Thereminist, composer and experimental artist. Working with the ethereal interface of this gesturally-controlled instrument, he conjures unique emotional landscapes that query the relationships between space, sound, electronics and the body. Through composition, performance and cross-disciplinary collaboration, he develops new contexts for theremin that both expand upon and subvert its traditional uses.
Miles’ work is a constant celebration of strangeness, and the beauty of unorthodox creative combinations. Current works investigate the Theremin in the realms of dance music, art sound, soundtrack, site-specific installation and analogue electronics.
Miles Brown’s new album The Gateway will be released very soon on Death Waltz Originals. Late last year, Brown launched a single ‘Shudder Speed’ – the first preview of the upcoming solo album ‘The Gateway’ on cult UK horror soundtrack label Death Waltz Recording Company (home to soundtrack legends John Carpenter, Goblin, Ennio Morricone, Clint Mansell, Alan Horwath, Fabio Frizzi, Angelo Badalamenti, Steve Moore and Umberto). Brown is best known for his work with Australian instrumental electronic act The Night Terrors, and has performed with legends such as Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, Goblin, Black Mountain, Mick Harvey, Alexander Hacke, Danielle de Picciotto, Marc Ribot and Bardo Pond
More about the album ‘Theremin 100’ album HERE
More details about the New York event: HERE
More about Miles Brown HERE
Theremini enquiries: Innovative Music Australia