Melbourne’s George Kalpa is excited to reveal a new self-directed video for his track ‘ksdb’, and in celebration, his debut album ‘Mode’ which saw release this October, has been made available as a free download until the end of the month.
The premise for the video came to George in the studio, after staring at an old mic for a bit too long. Trying to convince an actress to “make love to the mic” resulted in an unintentionally entertaining casting process as George explains:
“The casting process should have been filmed for some kind of reality TV show because seeing girls faces when I asked them to do that to the mic was priceless. To be honest not many actresses got back to me after learning what it is they needed to do. “Noir? Great I’m in!, Mic Loving? No thanks.” Karina and Tom were natural choices for the roles, they both understood the place where the vibe and idea of the video lived.”
The video for ‘ksdb’ was directed by George Kalpa and produced by Gene Kalpa and INAWAY Productions. George’s short films have screened at film festivals around the world. He is currently working on the follow up to ‘Mode’, and has a new film in pre-production.